An absurd triptych of seemingly unrelated stories finds a mysterious intersection in this tale set somewhere between Winnipeg and Tehran. Canada’s official entry for the ‘Best International Feature Film’ category at the 97th Academy Awards in From its cinematography and its usual search for symmetry, static or travel shots, and pleasing aesthetics of a dreamlike atmosphere that adds to the universality of the settings, to its story that revolves around the various characters, how their lives intersect and animate the dialogue, sometimes polite, sometimes not. As in Anderson’s films, Rankin is interested in exploring the reality of his film, a reality that is full of oddities that serve as fertile ground for comedy.
An angry teacher in class yells at students, one of whom claims that a turkey stole his glasses; another is dressed as Groucho Marx because he wants to be a comedian; and another as a fashionista. A universal language manages to be hilarious whenever it wants to be, with a comedy that consists of cheeky, sad, and dark humor. There are many times when its events border on the absurd or surreal, which contributes to the comedy that bathes it, but never shakes its goal of thought-provoking profundity.
Elements and emotions that combine and give life to a specific experience between places and times, reality and dreams. For example, in the reality of the film, even though we’re in Canada, French, let alone English, seems to be another language, and in its place is Persian. They all talk about it, and there are signs and billboards written on it, making it something close yet distant, familiar yet unfamiliar, blending into a culturally and demographically blind new reality.
The camera is sometimes static from afar, observing their movement and how it affects the environment rather than focusing on their faces and expressions in close-ups. It’s as if the place is as important to the telling of the story as the characters, and Rankin wants to make sure we immerse ourselves in it as tourists from a foreign land. And while we may know these cities by name, within the context of the film and its demographic profile, which is unparalleled to our knowledge, it may be worth delving into these spaces.